Eyadda site and application

Eyadda is the first site and application in Egypt that provides each patient with a complete medical file that includes his diseases, medications, analyzes and stages of treatment .. Eyadda saves time for doctors to know the condition of their patients as soon as possible, and the patients forget their medical condition and the medications they take and those who affect them negatively if they take medicines for them Positive effects with other drugs .. Also, it provides that the laboratories can add to the patient’s account any results for the patient, and any hospital that the patient deals with, you can add his medical history together with him on his life account .. Eyadda does not only provide information about the patient .. Eyadda saves time

New Articles A group of various articles in the medical fields

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More than 85,374 accredited and trusted physicians are available to provide immediate medical advice via high-definition phone call or personal conversation at any time. In addition to providing the largest comprehensive Arab medical content for all topics of medicine and health







